

Instructions for Submitting a Blog Post

  1. Fork and Rename:

    • Navigate to the staging repository.
    • Click on the “Fork” button of the repository page to create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
    • After forking, rename your repository to reflect the topic of your submission.
  2. Setup and Deployment:

    • Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
    • Setup locally the webiste. Assuming you have Ruby and Bundler installed on your system, try:
    $ git clone<your-username>/<your-repo-name>.git
    $ cd <your-repo-name>
    $ bundle install
    $ bundle exec jekyll serve
    • Your can locally access and modify the website on the local address:
  3. Preparing Your Submission: You can copy and modify the Distill Template, found under the _posts directory. Leave the original template as it is.

    • Create a Markdown or HTML file in the _posts/ directory with the format _posts/
    • Add any static image to assets/img/YYYY-MM-DD-your-submission/.
    • Add any interactive plotly figures to assets/plotly/YYYY-MM-DD-your-submission/.
    • Put your citations into a bibtex file in assets/bibliography/YYYY-MM-DD-your-submission.bib.
  4. Submit a Pull Request:

    • Before submitting, double-check that all personal identifiers have been removed from your blog post content.
    • Push your changes to your forked repository.
    • Go to your forked repository on GitHub and click on “New Pull Request”.
    • Ensure the pull request is directed to the staging repository and name the pull request after your submission topic.
    • Provide a clear and concise description of your changes in the pull request description.
  5. Fill out the Google Form:

    • After submitting a pull request, we will gather all the submission’s information through this Google Form:
    • You will need to review anonymously two other blogposts or tutorial that will be assigned to you through another form that will be sent by email. You will have a week to submit your reviews, and the decision on your blogpost or tutorial will be made before the 8th of July.

Review and Publication

  • Review: Reviewers will assess only the live content of the blog. They are expected to avoid probing into the repository’s historical data to maintain anonymity.
  • Camera-Ready Submission: Upon acceptance, add your identifying information to the post. Submit a final pull request to the main repository for integration into the official blog. Track chairs may request additional edits before final approval.

Further questions

  • Our Blogpost track is directly inspired by the ICLR Blogpost track. If you have problems building your website or modifying any file, you can have a look at their instructions.
  • Feel free to reach out to the organizers at: organizers AT gram-workshop DOT org