GRAM Workshop

The Geometric-Grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modelling GRaM workshop aims to provide a platform that fosters learning, collaboration, and the advancement of the geometry-grounded methods in machine learning. It includes three tracks: a proceedings track used to publish original research, a tutorial track in the form of a Google Collab, and a blogpost track. In this track, we intend to encourage transparent discussions and opinions in the field, and make the science more accessible.

Call for blog posts: Deadline 30th of June AOE

The format and process for this blog post track is as follows:

  • The post can be written on any subject linked to the GRaM workshop. It can offer insights on certain aspects of the field, list a series of open problems, explain mathematical concepts in a pedagogical way, or discuss a research paper.

  • The blogs will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind way. To be accepted, submissions must meet criteria such as content quality and novelty, clear and pedagogical presentation, new insights in theory or practice, and reproducibility or enhancement of experiments.

  • The posts will be hosted on this website.

Note that the submission, reviewing and publication process of the blogposts are directly inspired by the ICLR track. See the instruction page for detailed instructions.